Through 25 years of experience with MICE events, corporate travel and cooperation’s with luxury brands worldwide we create engaging and visual content designed to inspire our readers to travel to places or book for the corporate group events.

Promotion for destinations

We collaborate with international tourism boards, DMC’s and luxury hotels to promote business travel and MICE through our social media campaigns and reviews. We have built in 25 years of work a qualified database with relevant contacts of corporate clients and luxury buyers of agencies and media. A monthly newsletter sent to this contacts will inform the exact target group about your product and boost your sale.


We offer sponsored blog content, reviews and your video content as well as banner advertising, including a variety of different sizes and positions available across our website. We link brands and brand mes­sages with fu­ture trends and spirit of the time. We work vi­sion­ary, im­age boost­ing and sales pro­mo­tional. Increase your brand awareness by engaging with our highly targeted audience through customized social media campaigns.
Just speak with us.



We have a passion for great products. We provide relevant and tailormade reviews of products and services we like, use and trust, and think are a good fit for our audience.

Brand Ambassadors

When we work with you – we become a Brand Ambassador for you. Our goal is to create long term partnerships with brands, products and portfolios that target our readers. Get in contact with us for more information about what is possible.

MICE Consulting

We are Consultants for luxury hotels, destinations and tourism boards. We educate and train sales teams to become more successful at the MICE World. We do “Mystery Research” experiences for high end properties to give you a timely evaluation of the performance in your hotel. A powerful and user-friendly Dashboard and reporting system will give you valuable information about every aspect in each area and department.

Speaking engagements

We are passionate about what we do and have a network of travel-and future specialists working with us. We are available for speaking at international tradeshows, conferences, seminars and corporate events.

Take a look at our presentation with results of social media activities.

 If you want to work with us please contact our management Ms. Jasmin Weber – –